Sustainable farming
What makes us different
The way we rear our stock is good for the environment as it's all sustainably farmed without the use of pesticides or chemicals. The animals we farm live natural lives, in the fresh air, following their own animal instincts and enjoying their surroundings. And the way we produce our meat - naturally reared and packed full of nutrients is good for you and your family. We blast-freeze our meat when fresh to preserve it to avoid the need for artificial preservatives. We package items individually so you only have to defrost what you need and waste nothing. We offer a wide range of offal to use all the animal and help our customers to cook 'nose to tail'. On our farm there is a pond, and an old orchard that has been planted with traditional varieties of plums, damsons, apples and pears which we use to make jams and chutneys. Hedges are not cut annually, but left to grow into mature trees and provide barriers for pigs and sheep, windbreaks and shelter, passageways and food for animals and birds. Some of our hedges are 100 years old. We also maintain the species rich pasture of our fields by avoiding ploughing and by over seeding bare patches with a grass, herb and clover seed mix.